Sunday, October 28, 2007
today hao unlucky wor. wanted to make hot tea. had already put in the sugar and creamer. was about to stir it on my computer table. act clever. tried to balance it on the table using my left finger. didnt realise the only one-third of the cup base was on it. stir not even three seconds then poof! the cup dropped. it didnt break. but the boiling water landed on my upper inner thighs. both sides. the surface that kena is bigger than my handphone. about 10cm by 8cm. T_T house don't have ice cube. ran it under water. applied toothpaste doesn't help. that burning sensation lasted close to 3 hours. rubbed it jiu pain le. lan hor me?
7:24 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
9:17 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
i have been self-evaluating almost weekly nowadays. not sure why either but hahax, anything larsh. shall just write my thoughts down as usual.
there seems to be a change in my thinking for relationships. i was well known for sticking close to bf & not giving them their freedom. then always anyhow imagine things when bf doesn't have time for me. but now, i'm attached once again. 锐添 is schooling and working at the same time. after sch, then off to work til 10pm. doesn't return home til 11+pm. he w0rks 2 jobs somem0re so usually weekends also n0 time for me unless he 0ff. thus, we don't meet up 0ften. overall, he is a workaholic and super busy dude. surprisingly i didn't bombed him with smses and make him meet me.
my friend feedbacks that i now had become more understanding therefore i didn't make a fuss. another said its cos this is due to love. hmmm, i am quite surprised by my own attitude too. afterall, nobody knows better other than myself how i used to be when inside a r/s. i always hear people say when you met the 0ne in y0ur life, y0u will change willingly & naturally. is this how it is for me? hahax bu zhi dao. but there's 0ne thing i kn0w for sure.
锐添 dear, its not cos y0u are there for at my weakness moment the other day. y0u had make it clear to me beforehand how you are in a r/s. you had told me of the fact that y0u can't accompany me frequently & don't like to sms. y0u had told me to my face that y0u can do without a r/s at this point of time. all the "rules" you had laid it on the table before professing to me. i still chosen to be with y0u. the reason is simple. the past year i have been searching for you and h0ping to bump int0 you again. finding y0u back c0s i really want and wish to have a chance with you. nobody knows what will happen in the future. but now what i do know is, i will put my best effort into this r/s. 希望你和我能长长久久。 瑞欣<3锐添
10:22 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
今天是公共假日。猜我在做什么?我在office。有作工吗。十到七点。早上来office的时候下大宇被淋湿了>.< 然后到了office 发现热死人。因为今天是 public holidays then 没aircon。辛好有多以个同事还在。他帮我上楼搬cooler 下来。要不然我就变成烤猪了。
最近工作算满稳定了。不再OT了。每天都有准时离开办公室。也 clear 掉全的新 orders 。终于懂得如何 manage 时间了。 after work 就和 staCy 见面, 要不就回家看我的台湾偶像剧。偶尔晚上还会 meet dear。感觉上生活虽然普通和平凡,但觉得满充实的。伤心与不快乐的事不在浮现在我的头脑里了。好久没过的那么轻松的日子。为何突然的转变能?我也不知道。
原本想说是因为在恋爱当中。但这并和我的男朋友没关系啊。我一个星期也只和他见面在周末。我们又不是每天通电话或传简讯。hmmm, 真的想不通是什么改变了。但算了,这也是件好事吗。哈哈哈!希望能每“添”过得开开“欣欣”就好了!
4:35 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
起初,我和你相见是在个踢球场。你是我的朋友们的其中踢球友之一。并不记得为何我们会开始聊起,也不记得是谁和谁主动与对方开口。但我能记得清清楚楚的就是你对我的好,对我的细心和对我的关怀。但因为时间不对,我们并没在一起.你又没手机那时所以没法联络。隔了两年我们又见面。 这次是我向你示好。我明白我们需要时间让大家比较了解对方和适应多出一个人在你的生活。我会努力去改自己的弱点和体谅你。我会紧紧的握著你不放,不再让你离开我而去。
8:19 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
i was on MC for monday and tuesday. my abdomen and lungs area hurt after eating. went to see doctor immediately. guess what illness i'd g0t? gastritis. never hear bef0re. went t0 research when i had reached h0me. it is inflammation of the stomach lining caused by my digestion infection which has yet to be healed. if it does not recover in time, bleeding may occur inside the stomach T_T h0pe i'll be fine. has been taking medicine on time now. keeping my fingers crossed.
anyway, think im super on shopping craze m0od every beginning of the month. have been actively involved in online shopping sprees whereby my friend is the seller. last month bought 2 from him. the stocks are finally in! heex! then bought another 2 from him and 3 from another place. spree closed liao. think can have my items in three weeks xD then went shopping with staCy yesterday at the new shopping place at Suntec level 3; my playgr0und. not all shops are opened yet. the things there hai ha0 nia. nothing much. went to play para para version 1 and rock fever instead. love the s0ngs man! missed those days man.
next stop is marina square. went inside a gothic/cosplay shop. f0und tw0 tops that i like. haha. bought them too. go on t0 ipzone. buy another 2 graphics tops. whahaha. not forgetting on Sunday night when im out with shawnie, i got purchased a pair of jeans & shoes. so beginning of this month, i got a total of 8 new clothings! finally can strike off an item on my list liao. =D~
10:08 PM