Sunday, September 30, 2007
today i set my alarm clock to wake up at 9am. so there goes my hp ringing at 9 sharp. felt t0o tired s0 set it t0 ring at 10am instead. n0t even 10 minutes later my hp started ringing. one sms from dian kai telling me where steven is w0rking. feels like punching him; c0s i long time ago jiu kn0w steven w0rks at NTUC lerr n0r. his news s0 outdated can. cl0se my eyes and was ab0ut to fall asleep.... RRRinnnnGGGGGGG !!!!!!!! which irritating fell0w again i w0nder. click 0n the message and its...
p@nd@! my s0ul just refreshes instantly! all tiredness g0ne man lol. reading on the sms i realise bad news. i didnt rmbr that he is w0rking today. c0s he g0t tell me he have reservice this week s0 didnt b0ther g0 check X_X started calling the rest. all aint free. lucky f0r me my dad has lorry currently s0 changed and went down to w0rk.
after w0rk met up with shawnie for dinner. ate at BK while we chatted. its s0 coincidental. we are both wearing yellow tops & jean shorts of same shade. then we cut our hair on same day and g0t the same type of half-frame white spectacles. we both slimmed d0wn t0o & enjoyed our w0rk. we n0 longer watch televis0n programs; meaning on TV de shows. only watched our downloaded dramas. we really have a l0t in comm0n and still able t0 finish each other thoughts. enjoy the pics !
11:56 PM
Friday, September 28, 2007
started off my day with the same old routine of taking mrt to work. but thats one change today though. instead of watching my dramas or sleeping on the train, i done something different. i spent the whole journey of 40 minutes taking out my hp chain and inserting a new one. does not have the help of anything sharp so was struggling with it. used the plastic wire on my card holder to dig out the old chain. thats completed in less than 5min. but then came the tricky part (for me) to pull the new string to the other corner. the reason is cause the new string is actually has weak outing then cannot poke through. used the plastic wire still unsuccessful. *faint* worst thing is i drop my hook and its stuck in between the seat. gotta reach down and be pretty close to the guy's feet to retrieve it >.< finally pluck up my courage to pick it up the stop before i drop off at dover. wad an "interesting" journey i have today! LOL.
but hey, the joyful reason isn't due to the mrt journey man. its cos i gotta see my p@nd@ today! last i had met up with him was 1 month and 2 days ago. cos he was busy with examination plus got IPPT thus the long time apart. now, he finishes his exam lerr. IPPT also over liao. so now is free liao! had planned to go find him one but lazy so make some lame excuses. but hey, he automatically come down find me and acc me for three hours wor! hao kai xin wor. all the unhappiness at work and lonliness feelings are gone liao. cos i know my p@nd@ is back. kekeke! next friday will get to see him again. so excited now. heeeeeeeeex! will be able to have sweet dreams tonight for sure =D~
11:41 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
s0 fast. an0ther week had passed lia0. hmmm.. wad sh0uld i update ab0ut? alvin's present! as i had menti0ned, i b0ught him 2 adidas t0ps. one is a sleeveless tee f0r him t0 wear during his bball sessi0ns. fits him perfectly. an0ther is p0lo tee which is to0 big f0r him >.< he said he can wear it with0ut sh0rts. d0ts. dunn0 whether true? lolx. but haha he still likes it overall. =D
its a sad weekend th0ugh. weiliang had left our c0y for a better j0b. recently have been working with him pretty much as im inside pr0visioning. he always helped me c0ver my mistakes and check my err0r de. now thats he is g0ne.. kinda w0rry about my billing stuffs. he had als0 been enc0uraging me and comf0rting me even th0ugh i created a l0t of billing issues for him t0 settle. 0ne of my pillar of supp0rt in coy which i said bef0re. but still, wanna wish him the best 0f luck in his future endeav0rs! oh yah, his prezzie als0 i buy dee. a f0rmal t0p & a p0lo G2000 tee.still g0t a piggie magnet plus s0mething like key/bag chain. hahax. g0nna be arranging a farewell dinner f0r him, muiping & adeline to0. h0pe we can d0 one so0n ~
t0day went t0 ntuc with staCy and her mum. finally bumped int0 steven! but my handph0ne went flat 0n me >.< given him my number. n0t sure if he will sms me =/ if he didnt, next time see him at ntuc will dunn0 h0w t0 face him lei. l0lx. we see how bah =D~
10:53 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
t0day went out with staCy sh0pping for alvin's present. actually planned t0 g0 many places in case cant find something f0r him. but hey, lucky we decided to g0 ngee ann city first. just g0ne int0 two st0res and found s0mething f0r him. theres tw0 items but aint g0nna say wad they are here arb0 if he sees jiu n0t surprising liao. hahax. next st0p is far east. hmmmm since like this place aint as useful as it used to be. finished walking the building within an h0ur. n0thing caught my eye either. b0ring~
d0wn to bishan next. suddenly i bec0me a kid. theres the st0re which prints stickers with y0ur name. have d0raem0n de ah, disney and s0 on. i made one f0r myself which is bear type since n0 panda =X then g0 arcade. saw the uf0 catcher machine. g0t this super cute green fr0ggie which attracts me! spent $10 trying t0 catch it but fails lei. sadden. any0ne willing t0 catch it f0r me? will l0ve y0u if y0u did! p@nd@ plush t0ys are als0 welc0med! LOL!
back t0 staCy's h0use there after. t0ok an h0ur to wrap the gift. threw many items t0 cover up the original presents. each layer g0t surprise one but hahaha. felt quite childish after that =X nvm la. alvin is a lamer to0 so n0 problem! cant wait til he opens up the present! w0nder how his expressi0n will be then? heex!
9:30 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
feel that im quite blessed at my w0rkplace w0r. maybe its c0s im the y0ungest bah. my c0lleagues all quite very enc0uraging and taught me many things. patient with me th0ugh i keep making similar mistakes. then they will als0 ask me 0ut f0r dinner and stuff like that.
yesterday we had an0ther 0uting f0r alvin's birthday dinner. kinda 0rganised by me hahax. then g0t a c0lleague quite give alvin & me face. even th0ugh he g0t pr0ject t0 hand in the next day, still c0me along with us for dinner =D s0, we ate at the k0rean bbq opp har par villa there. f0od quite nice w0r. we g0t serve each 0ther n s0 on heex. after that we g0 west coast Mc for chill 0ut sessi0n til 1+am. alvin dr0ve me h0me th0ugh he stayed super far fr0m me. thanks alvin =D
h0pe y0u guys had a g0od time yesterday w0r! tmr gonna g0 sh0pping f0r s0t0ng's present. never went 0ut with this fren bef0re. w0nder how it will be like? hahax. shall update tmr again =)
8:28 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
lalala~ welc0me t0 my bl0g! this p@nd@ bl0gskin is d0ne by y0urs truly *heex* kawaii mah? xD i had als0 switched t0 a new bl0g if you had n0ticed. there are t0tally n0 past entries. the past 3 years' hist0ry? letting them just be mem0ries. we all have m0ved 0n with 0ur lives. i will n0t be returning back t0 the past.
hmmm scratched that. even if i think 0f the past, it will be as of the day i started w0rking in LGA. glad t0 kn0w be in this c0y. really very thankful t0 God f0r letting me find this j0b. learning many new things fr0m my c0lleagues. d0esn't feel 0utcast either. pe0ple like j0anna, sherry, pearlyn & david are helping me t0 impr0ve as a pers0n and als0 teaching me the right way t0 handle things. glad t0 be in this family =D~
0f c0urse, there's still an0ther pers0n i kn0w this year which i will remember all the things i had d0ne with him. it will be mr p@nd@ duhz. heex. he's the cause 0f my craze 0ver p@nd@s; in my nick, friendster, bl0g & handph0ne plus my c0mputer. he is having examinati0ns t0day wor. s0 wanna wish y0u all the best! d0n't give y0urself un-necessary trust alright? i believe in y0u. we shall meet up once y0u are having sch h0lidays =)
time t0 g0 f0r w0rk lia0 then. buai~
6:53 AM